Are you keeping your medals in a drawer?
This is the question which determined us to found Victory Hangers.
We want to remind all champions that effort, discipline and hard work must never be forgotten, that medals should not be kept away in a drawer or a dusty old box but should rather have a place of honour in the winner’s home.
Earning a medal takes hours, days, years of hard work, training, sacrifices, energy, passion and dedication. And when the moment comes and you win a medal, it shines gloriously on your chest, it is the moment you feel that all of your effort and devotion paid off. You are a winner, a true champion and that medal represents your crown.
Yet somehow, that symbol of recognition and achievement ends up hidden somewhere in a drawer or a box. And isn’t that a shame?
At Victory Hangers we decided to put an end to this and to offer a second chance to life to all the medals out there. By this, we want to help athletes and intellectuals keep track of their achievements and stay focused on their future goals.
Our medal hangers and medal displays are more than simple stands, they help you, the winner, create a place of honor for your medals so that you can celebrate your victories every day.
The medal hangers or medal displays can also be offered as a gift to a friend, colleague or a family member as a symbol of your appreciation.
Victory Hangers aims for exellence, such as you do, therefor our medal holders are made of brushed stainless steel of superior quality and come bundled with instructions, screws and spacers - all for free.
Our hangers and displays come in different sizes, depending on your needs. You can choose from our pre-existing models or you can create your own custom made medal stand. We challenge you to design your own support worthy of your achievements.
Stop keeping your medals in a drawer. You should celebrate your triumphs every day. After all, it takes daily dedication and struggle to be the best, so why not admire your medals on a daily basis too?